ComfyUI 是一个强大、直观的图形化界面工具,专为管理和使用 Stable Diffusion 等生成模型而设计。它通过基于节点的方式来创建、管理图像生成工作流,支持拖放操作和多种快捷键,使用户能够更高效地操作。以下是 ComfyUI 的主要快捷键简介,帮助用户快速掌握界面操作,提升工作流编辑效率。
- 双击空白处,可以唤起搜索框。
- 按住空格键,移动鼠标可以上下左右移动。
- 如果你想要多选节点,可以 shift 点选节点。
- 移动 Group 节点是会同时移动 Group 包裹的节点。如果你想要只移动 Group 节,只需要 Group 按住标题,然后按住 control 按钮就能只移动 Group 了,一定要记住是先按住标题移动,再按住 control 键,顺序反过来是不生效的。
- 如果你嫌节点占空间,可以点击节点左上角快速缩小缩小节点。
- Prompt 输入框输入 Embedding 会有提示。如果你安装了 ComfyUI-Custom-Scripts(opens in a new tab) 插件的话,还可以显示 LoRA 提示。
快捷键 | 说明 |
Ctrl + Enter | Queue up current graph for generation |
Ctrl + Shift + Enter | Queue up current graph as first for generation |
Ctrl + Z/Ctrl + Y | Undo/Redo |
Ctrl + S | Save workflow |
Ctrl + O | Load workflow |
Ctrl + A | Select all nodes |
Alt + C | Collapse/uncollapse selected nodes |
Ctrl + M | Mute/unmute selected nodes |
Ctrl + B | Bypass selected nodes (acts like the node was removed from the graph and the wires reconnected through) |
Delete/Backspace | Delete selected nodes |
Ctrl + Delete/Backspace | Delete the current graph |
Space | Move the canvas around when held and moving the cursor |
Ctrl/Shift + Click | Add clicked node to selection |
Ctrl + C/Ctrl + V | Copy and paste selected nodes (without maintaining connections to outputs of unselected nodes) |
Ctrl + C/Ctrl + Shift + V | Copy and paste selected nodes (maintaining connections from outputs of unselected nodes to inputs of pasted nodes) |
Shift + Drag | Move multiple selected nodes at the same time |
Ctrl + D | Load default graph |
Q | Toggle visibility of the queue |
H | Toggle visibility of history |
R | Refresh graph |
Double-Click LMB | Open node quick search palette |